Introducing Frankie the kitten

Frankie's story
Philip and I have been cat free for 7 years, suffering a terrible loss after our beloved Max died in 2003. Many times, we would drive far and long ways to go meet a cat, but it didn't feel right. I guess we weren't ready. One day last year,we went to a bbq at a fellow NYC photographer's apartment and immediately fell in love with his cat, Chicken. Chicken looked so much like Max that we couldn't help themselves. We said if they ever needed a cat sitter, we would available. 6 weeks ago, Chicken moved into our home and "The Chicken Chronicles" was started. We fell in love with this cat. Last week, Chicken went home. With no cat in our home, werealized it was time, and were ready.
An old friend and animal lover, Tracey, helps out Rebecca's Rescues ( and that is where they first saw me. I was born in July 2010 in Ocean County, NJ and was abandoned with my brother, whom I call little gray, by a dumpster. A nice couple, Tom and Lindsay, rescued us and brought us into their home along with several other cats and ferrets. Their house was too small for all these animals and they were seeking a permanent home.
I arrived to my new home in Manhattan at approximately 5:45pm on Sunday September 12.
Frankie was very scared and rarely came out from under the dresser the first few days. Last night, he slept in the bed with us all night.
He is the cutest little kitty, and so loving.
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