Demi Lovato, Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Fireworks and John Mayer
another crazy week of shoots, shoots, shoots. I won't bore anyone with the corporate work and will once again focus on the pretty people of Hollywood who were in front of my lens this week, and the amazing fireworks.
I am still floating from seeing (and of course shooting) Cher last week. She was just amazing. Her music has been in my head ALL week. Shoots this week:
Demi Lovato packed Rumsey Playfieled for an appearance on Good Morning America
John Mayer had fans lining up for over 5 blocks for his appearance on the Today Show
Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx were all smiles at the Domestic Premiere of White House Down
and the Macy's Fireworks were again amazing, made even more so because I saw them with my husband and some very close photographer friends from a gorgeous apartment with a perfect view.

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