what better a way to celebrate a weekend than to go to a wedding. BUT...it was not just ANY wedding, it was one of my beloved Sorority Sister's special day with her special man. And had it not been for a "little" reunion 10 months ago, I would not have been there.
Last summer at about this time of year,I got an email. "Hi, this is Deb C, remember me? I married a guy from RIT, we had a kid, and he is going to be a freshman there in the fall." A few more emails back and forth and then I decided to call. Deb and I were not terribly close in college, but we were sisters. But..when I picked up the phone and called her, it was as if we had always been the best of friends. The conversation was wonderful-easy, fun, pleasant. I graduated college in May 1984 and never looked back. I was probably the rare exception amongst college students-I couldn't wait to graduate and start my career as a photographer. 23 years went by and the only person I kept in regular contact with was Barb P, another one of my sorority sisters. I had nothing to do with the college or the sorority since leaving. Surprisingly, when the email from Deb arrived, I was so excited. We decided to have a reunion and started looking for our long lost sisters. We started a blog. Little by little, we found people and contacted them telling them of our plans. Along the way, we heard from Joyce, who we never knew, and who graduated in the 1970's. She wrote "hi, we heard about the reunion. Can we come too?" OF COURSE! So, last October, over 65 of us made the trek to Rochester, NY. For most of us who graduated in the 1980's, it was 23 years since we saw one another. And the group from the 70's-most had not seen one another in over 30 years. The campus has changed drastically-it is gorgeous. We were part of the dorms while in college-the current sisters live in a beautiful state of the art HOUSE!
The weekend was just amazing, went by too fast, and gave me something special in my life-the sisters I never had.
Faith graduated my year and returned as well. Little did I know, she works in NYC. We talked and talked, as most of us did and time stood still. Was it really over 2 decades since we have seen one another/been together? In my mind, these women would be forever 20, 21 and 22 years old.
Last weekend, about 8 of my sisters and Deb's mom, Terri, our "honary" sister, made the trek to Long Island to witness her take her vows to Scott, the man of her dreams. Scott is this warm, funny, romantic teddy bear with an amazingly wonderful group of friends. Faith's son, Stephen, walked her down the aisle and his speech made everyone weep.
After the party, Faith and Scott jumped into the pool,fully dressed!
This October we will go back to Rochester for the 2nd Annual Reunion.
I can't wait